Dear Eva,
I am not sure which positions you use for the celtic cross but I assume that card 6 is the near future? I would suggest that the 9 of cups brings you what you want - the pregnancy - but then what follows is not going to be easy. You may feel like you just need to decide to get pregnant and that's the whole story but there's more here that will come up for you. Money problems could mean some serious considerations about moving or deciding what to do. You and your partner may need to think about how to finance this situation.
Eva asked the following question: " What are my chances of getting pregnant next year?" She got the following reading:
I think that you should get pregnant quite quickly - between 6 weeks to 3 months - but then you will need to start paying more attention to your physical environment and the end will be quite intense.
Significator - card 1: Wands page [how you are]
full of energy and anticipation - you have heard some news that have you looking forward to something.
card 2: Pentacles page - what crosses you .
The conception and the difficulty. This won't be easy but it will be a learning process. You also have to depend on someone else to provide something for this situation. The unknown can be scary.
card 3: Judgement
card 4: Empress
card 5: Swords 5
Card 6: Cups 9
Card 7: Pentacles 5
Card 8: Pentacles 7
Card 9: Pentacles knight
Card 10: Wands knight
I'm a bit puzzled by the high occurence of the court cards, I just assumed that they represent my partner and myself.
Thank you for your help.
Best Wishes,