Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Devil

I have drawn the devil as my day card and as my best potential day card. Not quite sure what to make of it. Something binding or something basic in nature, grounded, restrictions and chains but unable to see any choices.

My favourite devil character is the Tom Robbins idea of nature all wrapped with instinct and primitive sensations and instincts.

activations by the mars-saturn conjunction

saturn and mars are conjunct my saturn - which would trigger my natal sun square saturn. Something to do with my father? feelings of worthlessness? hmmm...

Friday, July 11, 2008

mars and saturn conjunction - affecting best friend

Mars and Saturn are conjunct his natal moon in the 3rd house.; sextiling his uranus in the 4th house; squaring his neptune in the 5th; trining his chiron in the 10th almost exactly (he's currently looking for a job...)

Mars and Saturn conjunction - affecting me

I have the transiting Mars-Saturn conjunction in my 8th house. where it is conjunct Saturn in the 8th; Mars and Saturn both square Mercury in the 11th. Mars and Saturn also sextile venus in the 10th; Mars and Saturn bi-quintile mars in the 11th; they square (widely at 9 degrees) Neptune in the 11th and the trine chiron in the 4th. They also semi-square the MC very tightly at less than 1 degree.

The transiting sun is trining my natal sun and uranus. It also squares pluto and the true nodes in the 9th house (libra) and the MC at 1 degree.
Transiting Mercury in the 6th is conjunct my jupiter in the 6th.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Asteroids in astrology

I haven't used asteroids at all but this newsletter points out some interesting ones. My adonis asteroid is at Libra 29' 25 in my 10th House.

Sexual and Relationship Asteroids:
* Juno/Hera - The Goddess of Marriage and
commitment in relationships. Check synastry for
connections. Transits and progressions can signify
timing of marriage.
* Aphrodite - indicates attraction in synastry.
* Adonis - an attractive male. What your ideal
male is. What is your Adonis by sign and house?
* Eros - God of erotic love. Represents what
turns you on, sexual attraction.
* Lust - Sexually motivated, lustful. Lascivious
personality or behavior. Non-committed sex.
President Clinton has Lust conjunct his ASC, as
does Gene Simmons of KISS.