There's a new type of reading I am trying and it's all about asking for advice. Every month I draw cards for the Month influence, Weeks: one, two, three, four, five; and then I ask for advice on where to focus my attention in the month. I then draw cards for Month influence, Weeks: one, two, three, four, five again.
This is the first time I am trying it.
January 2012
Month: The Devil: the root of all evil. Things you are bound to do; saturn, capricorn, the teach you a lesson card? obsession; getting stuck on some details; chained to something. Physical, sex? not love. Not understanding.
Advice: Two of pentacles: getting busy, juggling lots of things but it is all manageable. This month is about earning money, and taking care of the little things. Don't let anything catch you up.
Week 1: Nine of Wands: getting things done and being physically active in sorting out all kinds of things while almost to the point of exhaustion. One thing left to finish before it's all done.
Advice: The Star: this is your chance to look forward to something. There's hope. There's inspiration. Put your energy in looking ahead at how things could be and this will guide you when you need it. The present doesn't need your attention right now. The future is still to be solidified.
Week 2: Three of Pentacles: sorting things out with colleagues and learning new things. Studying? Being given critique and advice, more likely. Having to cooperate with others in order to get things sorted out.
Advice: Five of Swords: don't take anything personally. This is the week when your ego is going to rear up it's head and tell you that you shouldn't be talked to like that, things should be this way not that way, that you're being taken advantage of, that you need to put your foot down and that you need to bully someone in order to stop them bullying you. Bullshit. Take a humility pill and sit back and enjoy the ride. Your ego is going to take a kicking. Good. Let it. You never needed an ego anyway. You have love and that's enough.
Week 3: Knight of Cups (Strength) - any leisure time is going to be hard work this week. Any travel will be difficult. You will have to grit your teeth and bear it.
Advice: Ace of Cups: Enjoy the time. Let yourself sink into the new emotional space that distance lets you enjoy. This is all about you. When you are on your own , let yourself enjoy it. You don't have to answer to anyone else's demands. Love is building and growing and inviting you to surf along its waves. Refresh yourself on how it feels.
Week 4: Five of Pentacles: money will be tight and this is a warning about not getting into too much financial trouble and not sinking into a sharing of doom. Watch your physical resources and don't share what you don't have. Neither a lender nor a borrower be.
Advice: Knight of Pentacles (six of wands): whatever your goal this week you will be successful but you will need to do it slowly, steadily and methodically. Test everything. Be dull. Be repetitive. Check every clause and every nuance. Your outcome will be successful. Phd News?
Week 5: Ace of Wands: You will find a bit more of a sexual element in the air this week. The excitement will be rising and you'll be thinking, why not?
Advice: Take your time and be patient. There's no need to rush anything. If he isn't willing to wait then he isn't worth waiting for.
Month = 6; The Lovers - deciding , communicating, vacillating, not deciding.
Advice = 5; do things the right way; traditionally; play by the rules; find out what the rules are; you'll be back in a work environment in no time; you may be back at school soon.
This is the first time I am trying it.
January 2012
Month: The Devil: the root of all evil. Things you are bound to do; saturn, capricorn, the teach you a lesson card? obsession; getting stuck on some details; chained to something. Physical, sex? not love. Not understanding.
Advice: Two of pentacles: getting busy, juggling lots of things but it is all manageable. This month is about earning money, and taking care of the little things. Don't let anything catch you up.
Week 1: Nine of Wands: getting things done and being physically active in sorting out all kinds of things while almost to the point of exhaustion. One thing left to finish before it's all done.
Advice: The Star: this is your chance to look forward to something. There's hope. There's inspiration. Put your energy in looking ahead at how things could be and this will guide you when you need it. The present doesn't need your attention right now. The future is still to be solidified.
Week 2: Three of Pentacles: sorting things out with colleagues and learning new things. Studying? Being given critique and advice, more likely. Having to cooperate with others in order to get things sorted out.
Advice: Five of Swords: don't take anything personally. This is the week when your ego is going to rear up it's head and tell you that you shouldn't be talked to like that, things should be this way not that way, that you're being taken advantage of, that you need to put your foot down and that you need to bully someone in order to stop them bullying you. Bullshit. Take a humility pill and sit back and enjoy the ride. Your ego is going to take a kicking. Good. Let it. You never needed an ego anyway. You have love and that's enough.
Week 3: Knight of Cups (Strength) - any leisure time is going to be hard work this week. Any travel will be difficult. You will have to grit your teeth and bear it.
Advice: Ace of Cups: Enjoy the time. Let yourself sink into the new emotional space that distance lets you enjoy. This is all about you. When you are on your own , let yourself enjoy it. You don't have to answer to anyone else's demands. Love is building and growing and inviting you to surf along its waves. Refresh yourself on how it feels.
Week 4: Five of Pentacles: money will be tight and this is a warning about not getting into too much financial trouble and not sinking into a sharing of doom. Watch your physical resources and don't share what you don't have. Neither a lender nor a borrower be.
Advice: Knight of Pentacles (six of wands): whatever your goal this week you will be successful but you will need to do it slowly, steadily and methodically. Test everything. Be dull. Be repetitive. Check every clause and every nuance. Your outcome will be successful. Phd News?
Week 5: Ace of Wands: You will find a bit more of a sexual element in the air this week. The excitement will be rising and you'll be thinking, why not?
Advice: Take your time and be patient. There's no need to rush anything. If he isn't willing to wait then he isn't worth waiting for.
Month = 6; The Lovers - deciding , communicating, vacillating, not deciding.
Advice = 5; do things the right way; traditionally; play by the rules; find out what the rules are; you'll be back in a work environment in no time; you may be back at school soon.