Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week ahead

1 - Two of cups - Queen of Wands - The Lovers
2 - Two of Pentacles - Four of Pentacles - Nine of Pentacles
3 - Temperance - 10 of Wands - 10 of Swords
4 - Ace of wands - Six of Wands - Six of Pentacles
5 - King of Swords - Five of Cups - Nine of Swords
6 - The Lovers - Four of Wands - King of Pentacles
7 - King of Pentacles - The Star - Six of Swords
8 - Nine of Wands - Nine of Pentacles - 10 of Wands
9 - Two of Swords - Ace of Swords - Knight of Wands
10 - Six of Pentacles - Two of Pentacles - Empress
11 - Hermit - The Sun - Two of Cups
12 - Knight of Wands - Queen of Swords - Seven of Swords
Overall - Three of Cups - 10 of Pentacles - Two of Swords

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Monday, August 06, 2012

Week ahead 6 August - 12 August

week ahead 6 August to 12 August
M - 3 of cups
T - 3 of pentacles 
W - emperor
T - 8 of pentacles 
F - king of cups
S - 5 of cups
S - devil

M - 3 of Swords
T - 2 of Pentacles 
W - Chariot
T - 7 of pentacles 
F - 3 of pentacles 
S - 4 of pentacles 
S - 2 of Cups

1 - wheel of fortune - 2 of cups - king of wands
2 - high priestess - 4 of swords - ace of pentacles
3 - king of cups - strength - king of swords
4 - queen of cups - 8 of swords - hierophant 
5 - 10 of cups - 8 of wands - 5 of cups
6 - 4 of wands - 9 of pentacles - page of pentacles 
7 - knight of cups - empress - 10 of wands
8 - ace of pentacles  - lovers -8 of swords
9 - 6 of wands - king of swords - ace of wands
10 - hermit - king of cups - the Sun
11 - 6 of pentacles - 3 of cups - knight of swords
12 - 8 of wands - 10 of swords - 8 of cups
Overall - 9 of cups - high priestess - 6 of pentacles 
