The following reading is about a potential boyfriend for a friend.
1. General Situation - king of swords (3 of wands)
He has moved away and any anticipation of a further involvement is only theoretical. He feels that he has landed a great opportunity career wise and is following his dream.
2. How he feels about you - 9 of swords
You are a bit of a nightmare for him. He doesn't know what to do and is prone to overreacting in his head.
3. How you feel about him - The Sun - you see him as offering you
brightness and happiness but what you're really doing is off-loading
all your restlessness and negativity onto him. You feel relief and he
feels burdened.
4. Obstacles to a relationship - The Empress
your tendency to over indulge in everything puts him off - there's
something stagnant in settling for comfort and that's what he sees in
5. Outcome / Advice - 9 of pentacles
Be strong and independent on your own because there isn't going to be
a union with this guy.
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