Thursday, October 19, 2006

Reading for SparkleMatrix

Consequences for staying with the job you've trained for
7 of cups - knight of cups (6 of wands) - moon
knight of pentacles (devil)

9 of cups

If you stay with your current training your independence and feeling of autonomy and success will all be consumed with your confusion about the direction you are taking. You get what you want - but it seems to involve a lot of drinking and feeling trapped. You become very determined to do something about your training but you don't really know what - all you can think about doing is escaping. Is there someone that is currently offering you a contract? Some binding invitation seems to be on offer. Do you deal with shipping maybe? There are a lot of water cards - is this an artistic job that is now constrained by the practicalities of having to work at it?

I think that even if you do continue down this route you will soon find that you will have to quit and maybe go into the family business? maybe with one partner? sibling or cousin perhaps.

Consequences of taking a different route

tower (id) - judgement - knight of pentacles (hanged man)
page of wands (justice)

queen of pentacles (7 of cups) - queen of wands (Ace of wands)

If you try to take another route you may find it hard to see what other kind of job you can do. You will be shortlisted for a job that you apply for and you will be looking forward to a decision from them - it may take a while. While waiting for this other decision you may find it hard to make the big change that you need. This could be a decision about an office or a lease of some sort.

You'll spend a lot of time at home trying to find exactly what you want and there may a be another woman that helps you set up your own business? Otherwise it may be you that stays at home while wishing you could be out there being active. I'm not sure though. If you do decide to change route I think you will find that you spend a lot of time at home waiting for opportunities to happen to you so watch out for that.


4 of wands - participation

You have an opportunity to participate with others now to make your contribution to creating something greater and more beautiful than each of you could manage alone. Your participation will not only nourish you, but will also contribute something precious to the whole.


sparklematrix said...

Thank you, so much of this is right. I am going to have to sit and digest it for a while (can I stomach it?) Darned crossroads! Maybe this will help clarify the signs.

Thanks again

Laura said...

hi, could you do me a reading please? just a general one, just to see how things are going to go for a while?

OestreBunny x