Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Final outcome

Knight of cups (hermit)
king of cups (magician)
page of swords (chariot)

you head out on this trip all on your own feeling lonely but hopeful about finding your purpose in this whole situation. You take your doctor's advice ? but you're still worried about transportation of some sort.

7 of swords - 10 of cups - hanged man

you decide that your emotional life is not going to get any better until you make some drastic changes so you put yourself first for once. You feel a bit sneaky for acting for your own benefit after all this time but in this case you know that there's no other way to proceed. It's a fair choice.



you're under a lot of pressure and need to be strong to make some important decisions and to act in a certain way at this time.

world - 5 of pentacles - queen of cups (7 of cups)

you're quitting your job or leaving your current residence with real dreams for the future but worries about the idea of following your heart instead of being rational.

hopes and views

Views of others about your situation -
wheel of fortune

Others see this as something unexpected and very fortunate. They may not have realised that you've been working towards this goal for awhile. You've not really shared your dreams and aspirations with anyone for fear that they would make fun of you.

Hopes and Fears
4 of pentacles

You are fearful of moving on but you really can't stand not taking up this offer. This could be a money problem or a being stuck in a position which has you trapped and unable to see that it's not so bad once you get out there.

Immediate Future

6 of pentacles -

putting some money for a deposit - maybe borrowing from your parents who are happy enough to provide but it isn't always as nice to receive when you are in a situation where you aren't equal with the other party.

7 of pentacles (id) - fool (id)- queen of pentacles (3 of swords)(id)

you decide to give up because you are made to feel foolish by a woman who is quite harsh. You don't move on with your life because you would be acting out of character?

Future Influences

Page of pentacles (ace of cups)
King of wands (8 of swords)

Going back to school will give you the time on your own that you need. There could be a message from the landlord about having to live on your own. You don't know what to do about it.

Devil - 8 of wands - Justice

trapped and bound by a contract that you rushed into but it's a fair obstacle. You know that the rules and terms of the contract are fair.

past influences


This could be a period of being overweight - eating too much and now it's time to lose the weight. The knight of swords could be a dieting regime and the ace of wands would be the amphetamines? or the extra energy.

Lots of pastries and enjoyment of life. Absorbing all the energy around and the only thing putting a damper on the situation is knowing that it would have to be resolved with a diet and fitness regime in the future.

base of the matter

The base of the matter is what the reading is really all about. This card describes the inner situation of which the significator is a reflection or a by product. So here we see someone lonely and plodding away because she is reacting to some medication? some excitement? knight of swords (ace of wands). Something is giving her energy but she's directing it into bad channels. She is reacting to problems rather than considering how to act.

Judgement - Emperor - high priestess

the boss is being a bully and giving her bad directions and while she knows this she is keeping quiet and feels unable to speak up for herself. She is enduring all this with grace and is trying not to let it show. Could this be abuse?

She's lonely at work cos the boss is mean? could she be lonely at home because of a bullying husband?

crowning card

The crowning card is the atmosphere of the reading - 8 of pentacles - ill dignified because the base of the matter is the knight of swords.

The sense of the reading is of someone doing the same thing over and over - maybe unable to focus on one task as she should. This is the attempt to multi-task when you should really be working on one thing at a time. You're using your skills to get on with the work but you don't really want to. There may be some computer issues? not broken down but having to spend too much time in front of the pc and getting distracted.

bits of a reading

I'm just going to look at the significator and crossing cards for a reading I'm doing for someone.

knight of pentacles (5 of cups) - stuck doing work all on your own. Not much enthusiasm in the task but there is caution and methodical work involved. Maybe the family are all away on holiday and you have to get on with it all.

queen of wands (sun) - 9 of swords - 10 of pentacles

you appear to be happy because there's less of a problem in doing things now that the family aren't there. Could be a divorced couple and the kids are with the other partner for the holidays. You'll be happy when they're back.

The crossing card is the 4 of wands - some kind of family celebration that you are working towards. You are the one in charge so you are the one that has to take care of things.

4 of swords - star - 6 of swords

you get quiet time on your own and you're really looking forward to giving yourself a break.

The two ronnies

Boxing Day television isn't as exciting right now as I anticipated pre-holiday time. The two ronnies are on - a court room sketch where the prosecutor asks the witness questions to establish what his profession was. The sketch is in the style of mastermind/call my bluff/ blankety blanks etc/charades.

Katie Melua sang 'have yourself a merry little christmas time'.

I saw the grinch yesterday - it was the first time that I had seen the end which was quite nice. Poor grinch fellow - they made fun of him when he was tiny.

Saw harry potter - the first one and some of monsters inc.

slow cooking chicken

Merry Christmas !

Yesterday we had a really late dinner (12 am!) because we were trying a new roast chicken method suggested by Heston Blumenthal. You first put the chicken in an 8 per cent salt water solution for 6 hours. Then you boil the chicken twice for 30 seconds. You leave it over night in the fridge so it can dry out. Then you cook it at 60 degrees celsius for four and a half hours.

We only left it in the salt water for about an hour and didn't let the poor thing dry out over night but put it in the oven straight after the boiling. The result was fantastic - the chicken meat practically melted off of the bones. Absolutely wonderful. I'm looking forward to doing the same thing with duck and lamb maybe!

We also had roast potatoes and a broccoli, bacon, chestnut and cream concoction which was also delicious. A bit heavy for that time of night but it was well worth the wait.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Talking Jazz

i just bought this!!!


The purchase was made from
and paid for through paypal.

Rare conversations with 60 jazz greats, including Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Wynton Marsalis, Keith Jarrett, Herbie Hancock, Sonny Rollins, McCoy Tyner, Max Roach, Art Blakey and more

Friday, December 22, 2006

Kooky love affair

Grey, purple, hazy, opaque fog outside my window and it's freezing in here and out there. I'm out to go out for my last day at work of the year. Very relaxed half day and showing up late to check out some output and then leave. I wish I could take my data with me to work on over the week that I plan on taking off but no such luck. I just don't have the software at home... shame. I will just have to work on drawing up conclusions I guess.

Oh and making pretty graphs! I've now discovered how to give each individual excel point its own colour and my schemes are superb.

I had mulled wine last night - not home made unfortunately. I'll save the making of the lovely wine until tonight - I will have to buy some kind of container for it.

Cards for the day
3 of wands - 5 of wands - 8 of swords

best potential
6 of wands - hierophant - king of pents (3 of swords)
queen of swords (moon)

hmmm. i'll have to report on these later. ciao.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Grrr and more Grrrr

had my meeting and it all seemed so pointless - he looked over some charts that i did and thought a bit of it was interesting. Then he gave some pointers and how to do the graphs better and suggested a couple of additional variables I could use.

Then in the middle of this discussion he says oh you're meant to be working on that review (my whole paper that i'm supposed to hand in at some indeterminate point in the future which he hasn't discussed or mentioned handing in anything to read !!) how's it going? i said yeah good. Meaning that just today i found my old draft of that paper and i was going to look at it.

grrrrr... why not focus on me working on that paper instead of wasting time with silly tables? jesus.

I'll be working on that tonight so i can have an official copy ready for submission by the time i see him again in about a month! a month!!

oh did i mention that i have tickets to see incubus in london in a few months? i also have two for sale if anyone wants to negotiate a good price?

regression and studies

I have been reading a phd on a topic which is kinda related to mine and have been very impressed and pretty well daunted by it as well.

A couple of things have me hmmming ... mostly the fact that i need to find out about more detailed aspects of statistical analysis.

The first two things i'm looking up today are
1 - random coefficient of variation
2 - binomial distribution

I need a better understanding of these so am off with the help of google to find them. Failing that I could always look up my statistical books.

found an article called "a simple test for heteroscadisticity and random coefficient variation" by T.S. Breusch and A.R. Pagan - Econometrica vol 47, no. 5 (september 1979)

I have heard of the Breusch and Pagan test.

(mr. supervisor replied about meeting at 4 so i better go get ready)

to be continued...

Not many visitors

Not many visitors to this blog but then I never advertised it and I'm not too full of time I guess.

I think I'll post the occasional post from now on so that the poor little blog doesn't just sit here and feel lonely.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

soy latte

I bought a soy latte from nero because the nice people stamp my card when they take my money so i get the 10th coffee free. Anyway the girl was a bit weird and looked at me questioningly a couple of times. Their board lists the coffee prices for 'out' and 'in' so i asked for a soya latte (i first asked if soya was available and she said yes but didn't mention the cost) for 'out'. She then looked at me bizarrely and said to drink in or take away. So i said take away and kinda half assed pointed towards the door with my thumb.

Since she hadn't mentioned the price i had my 2.10(!!! expensive) ready to pay but the cash register showed 2.25 (in price) and 30 for the soy - so i said i'm having it take away and then she kinda looked confused for a sec and then changed the price to 2.10. no apology or anything or any kind of acknowledgement that she had screwed up. It was all the same to her. I don't even know why i'm pissed off at that - i mean i was paying over 2 pounds for a cup of coffee for gods sake. Sigh.

Kirsten's reading on romance

Kirsten and Dave

General situation - Justice

Something has happened in the past and the situation has changed. You are now at a point where you need to decide what to do - stick to this guy and invest your emotions in a potential relationship or move on.

[Do you work in a legal office by any chance?]

How he feels about you? 10 of swords

He feels like it was the end of a very painful situation. Maybe your encounter was a one night stand or it could have been the cause of his breakup with someone else. There was definitely an ending attached to it. Maybe the end of a drunken night. He's glad that it's over.

How you feel about him? Emperor

You feel in control and the dominant person in the relationship. You seem to be in charge of the situation and feel that if you decide proceed with the relationship then you would succeed.

Obstacles to a relationship - high priestess

There's something you don't know about him, something that he has kept hidden. It could be another woman or it could be the fact that he doesn't say much. If the both of you don't interact or communicate enough then nothing will happen.

Advice / outcome:

When deciding to follow your heart in terms of your love life, give it some time before you act. Don't rush into anything. If he has just left a previous relationship , or a family, it looks like he will be back to them.

If he is your boss then he will probably try to keep things balanced and not involve romance in the situation.