Wednesday, December 20, 2006

regression and studies

I have been reading a phd on a topic which is kinda related to mine and have been very impressed and pretty well daunted by it as well.

A couple of things have me hmmming ... mostly the fact that i need to find out about more detailed aspects of statistical analysis.

The first two things i'm looking up today are
1 - random coefficient of variation
2 - binomial distribution

I need a better understanding of these so am off with the help of google to find them. Failing that I could always look up my statistical books.

found an article called "a simple test for heteroscadisticity and random coefficient variation" by T.S. Breusch and A.R. Pagan - Econometrica vol 47, no. 5 (september 1979)

I have heard of the Breusch and Pagan test.

(mr. supervisor replied about meeting at 4 so i better go get ready)

to be continued...

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