Wednesday, January 03, 2007


B.'s parents' divorce - best course of action : I drew the 5 of swords - comparison in the osho deck.

Let's face it, there is always going to be somebody who is more beautiful, more talented, stronger, more intelligent or apparently happier than you are. An conversely there will always be those who are less than you in all those ways. The way to find out who you are is not by comparing yourself with others, but by looking to see whether you are fulfilling your own potential in the best way you know how.

Comparison brings inferiority, superiority. When you don't compare, all inferiority, all superiority, disappear. Then you are, you are simply there.

Just look around. All is needed, and everything fits together. It is an organic unity: nobody is higher and nobody is lower, nobody superior, nobody inferior. Everybody is incomparably unique.

Best course of action about her career: 7 of swords - politics

All but the most innocent and sincere of us have a politician lurking somewhere in our minds. In fact the mind is political. Its very nature is to plan and scheme and try to manipulate situations and people so that it can get what it wants. Here the mind is represented by the snake, covered with clouds and 'speaking with a forked tongue'. But the important thing is to realise about this card is that both faces are false. The sweet, innocent, 'trust me' face is a mask, and the evil, toxic, 'I'll have my way with you' face is a mask, too. Politicians don't have real faces. The whole game is a lie.

Take a good look at yourself to see if you have been playing this game. What you see might be painful, but not as painful as continuing to play.

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