This horoscope spread is for me and so I don't go into as much detail as I would were I to do a reading for a customer.
28th of October, 2007
Card 1 - First House: Physical body, Self, sense of identity, personal needs, appearance, health, vitality, the start of an enterprise, mother's father, father's mother.
5 of Swords - 5 of Swords
I am recovering from a cold that occurred about three weeks ago and am still feeling a lack of energy. I think that more than the physical there is a mental negativity that I have embraced this month where I compare myself to others around me and don't feel like I am gaining as much as they are. I come off worse in all comparisons especially since a co-worker who I constantly help out is earning more than me and this to me feels unfair. My self-hate is getting the better of me this month and I think it shows. I have only managed to meditate once and that was yesterday. I have to drop this comparison because it is draining away all my positive energy. I have also started working full-time again after a couple of years of study and I keep feeling that I am not earning enough to be doing all this work (Even though I was earning less for the last two years) and that I now have no time and that this is the end to my freedom. I feel restricted! and pressured and taken advantage of which are all ways for my self-hate to kick in and tell me that I'm not good enough and that there's something wrong. The rational part of me knows that there's nothing wrong so I have to focus on this knowledge and take care of me.
Card 2 - Second House: Money, income, finances, wealth, values, possessions, movable goods, resources.
3 of Pentacles (id)- 3 of Swords (id)
The knowledge that I'm not making as much as one of my teammates has been painful and made me feel bad. Also the fact that I'm not earning enough, even though I am full-time, to cover all expenses is making me quite upset and it is distressing.
Card 3 - Third House: Siblings, neighbors, close kin, local travel, short trips, conscious mind, writing, early education, communications, letters, phone calls, examinations, local environments
6 of Swords - 3 of Pentacles
My sister recently visited me and now she has found a job where she has to travel for a couple of hours each way. I can see how these cards definitely relate to her.
Card 4 - Fourth House: Father, elders, home, family, real estate, land, roots, foundations, internal needs, emotional security, the grave.
Knight of swords (world) - 2 of swords
My dad is travelling again (to China). My parents want to visit me but I am not looking forward to their arguing and I have a lot of work taking up my weekends so I'm not sure when I'll be able to do it. I keep postponing the trips and I have to get my passport sorted out as well. This is causing me some stress and i'm not finding any solutions.
Card 5 - Fifth House: Children, speculation, risks, hobbies, gambling, games, self-expression, romance, affections, pleasures, creative endeavors, fun, vacations, love affairs.
5 of Pentacles - 5 of Cups
I am starting to feel a bit miserable about my lack of romance but I think this is more of a mental problem than a realistic one. Neither me or my housemate have a significant other at the moment and we tell ourselves it would be better to find someone than be single but at the same time we can't afford to go out as much! So it could be a lack of finance in ruining our romance.
Card 6 - Sixth House: Illness, work, duty, daily routine, pets, perfection, tedium, drudgery, service, employees, father's siblings
Judgement - Lovers
I have been ill this month and I think that this is still affecting me. Work has a lot to do with it and I also have my studying to do which is draining in the thought alone. I'm full time now after a year of being on placement and then on temporary contract. This is it really and it has me in the 'lovers' position of wondering whether it's all worth it. I have to keep reminding myself that I actually love what I do and and I love the place I work.
Card 7 - Seventh House: Spouse, mate, partners, marriage, committed relationships, contracts, lawsuits, open enemies, opponents, personal consultants, those on equal footing with us, father's father, mother's mother
8 of Wands - King of Pentacles (High Priestess) - Knight of Wands (2 of Wands) - Queen of Wands (Star)
Changes in my partnerships - fast moving changes and socialising. Not sure who this can be - my housemate is pretty much my family and he does have a project which he is working on. I do give him a lot of hope and support in this and I do believe that it will present itself as a great project in potential. I think that his new venture could be what this house is picking up.
Card 8 - Eighth House: Sex, death, taxes, other people's money, loans, legacies, goods of the dead, other's resources, insurance, partner's money, research, personal transformation, deep understanding, occult interests
Devil - 7 of Pentacles
My debts are getting to be a problem and they feel like such a burden. I am now giving serious thought as to how to deal with them because one of them has a ridiculously high interest rate.
Card 9 - Ninth House: Long distance travel, religion, the law, higher education, philosophy, higher mind, foreign interests, broadcasting, publication, forecasting, spouse's siblings
9 of Pentacles - 7 of Cups
I am now working on my writing - lit review in particular. I feel quite confident in the way I am progressing although I haven't worked as much recently as I could have. I am also very excited about the future and am trying to find funding for some more post graduate work. I think I could definitely do it but I just have to get through this degree first.
Card 10 - Tenth House: Mother, career, profession, ambition, superiors, governors, success, public standing, reputation, status, society, discipline, structure, destiny
7 of Pentacles - Hierophant
I have finally joined the company as a permanent member of stuff and there has been some lack of motivation on my behalf. Maybe I feel dwarfed by the hierarchy and the management? I do feel like a professional however and I have my own business cards and everything.
Card 11 - Eleventh House: Friends, groups, clubs, social activities, societies, advice, detachment, hopes and wishes, humanitarian concerns
Ace of Wands - 2 of Cups
A lack of energy and motivation means that I have been sticking very close to home recently and that it has been me and the housemate more times than not. Doesn't make for much socialising.
Card 12 - Twelfth House: Solitude, confinement, hospitalization, retreat, sacrifice, hidden matters, secret liasons, psychological problems, undoing, secrets, meditation, the unconscious, the subconcious mind, mother's siblings
Queen of Cups (Ace of Cups) - Wheel of Fortune
I think this relates to romance in my life and the secret hope that someone I have been thinking of will make the necessary moves to approach me. Wishful thinking, or lazy? either way it is still a thought that I keep hidden.
Overall: King of Pentacles (4 of Pentacles) - Death
Financially I am making a big effort to budget and to record all expenditures so as not to get into more debt. I think that this is a time where things are changing and there's a lot less freedom in how I lead my days. This is getting to me and I have to accept it, mourn and move on.
1 comment:
Just wondering why there are 2 tarot cards for each house. You can respond to
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