Saturday, July 17, 2010

Resource: #1 Learning Tarot

I will be posting some information about learning the tarot and hopefully help you find the resources that can help you.

One of the most useful sites I have encountered is 'Learning the Tarot'. The website contains Lessons about learning to use the tarot, individual pages of descriptions and keywords about each card, a version of the course you can download and a list of decks you can browse through.

The first card of the Major Arcana is the Fool and the following keywords are provided: BEGINNING, SPONTANEITY, FAITH, and APPARENT FOLLY.

There are actions associated with the Fool and some of them are as follows:

entering a new phase
striking out on a new path
expanding horizons
starting something new
beginning an adventure
going on a journey
heading into the unknown

Opposing cards are suggested such as the Hierophant which means: following convention, routine.

A description is provided and suggestions about how to use the card.

See Learning the Tarot for further information.

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