Saturday, October 21, 2006

Reading for Oestre-Bunny

I asked who the man was and I drew the hanged man. Now this could indicate that the person you have in mind is not the right one. He may be someone who sees the world differently at the moment - he may have gone through an experience that has left him feeling like he's in limbo. Perhaps a break up has left him feeling depressed and unable to act.

I asked what role he played in your life and I drew the ace of swords - he tells you the truth about things. When you need a straight and focused answer you go to him.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Reading for Oestre-Bunny

What Oestre-Bunny needs to know
empress - tower - moon
king of pentacles (3 of cups)

The first thing that came up in this reading was about a man who is out drinking with friends. A drunk guy having fun. You feel like a mother to him or he treats you like his perfect woman. You find it hard to do anything but observe the situation however because it all leaves you feeling very confused. But there's something that has now changed perhaps? Whatever is taking place at the moment is out of your control and your confusion seems to be making any changes that need to be made even harder. There seems to be a real lack of communication between the two of you.

You appear to just be absorbing all he sends your way but without providing any clarity to the situation.

I did quick relationship spread to see what was happening
the situation: knight of swords (8 of pentacles)
there's a real frustration and lack of ability for the two of you to work it out. Maybe you both argue or become defensive whenever you start talking about something. You just can't manage to focus on one task at a time. Is he looking for work perhaps and this is becoming a problem?

how he feels about you: queen of swords (9 of wands), king of cups (7 of cups)
has he just broken up with someone? it seems that emotionally he is trying to be logical as he has been having a hard time lately. When he looks to the future of how wonderful things can be however, he imagines a lot of potential between the two of you but it may not be realistic.

how you feel about him: page of cups (high priestess)
you secretly think that maybe you could possibly find some happiness with this guy. But you won't yet let yourself believe it.

obstacles: sun
It all just seems too good to be true - you don't think that the reality would ever match up to what you've been promised or what you want.

advice/outcome: magician
You need to communicate with him or make a choice about what you want to do. You won't gain anything but just letting things stay as they are. Decide what you need and want and then go for it.

card of advice - generally: Maturity

The figure in this card stands alone, silent and yet alert. The inner being is filled with flowers - that carry the quality of sprintime and regenerate wherever she goes. This inner flowering and the wholeness that he feels affords the possibility of unlimited movement. She can move in any direction - within and without it makes no differences as her joy and maturity cannot be diminished by externals.

You have come to a time of centeredness and expansiveness. All of life's experiences have brought you to this time of perfection. Know well that this moment carries a gift - for hard work well done. Your base is solid now and success and good fortune are yours for they are the outcome of what has already been experienced within.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Reading for SparkleMatrix

Consequences for staying with the job you've trained for
7 of cups - knight of cups (6 of wands) - moon
knight of pentacles (devil)

9 of cups

If you stay with your current training your independence and feeling of autonomy and success will all be consumed with your confusion about the direction you are taking. You get what you want - but it seems to involve a lot of drinking and feeling trapped. You become very determined to do something about your training but you don't really know what - all you can think about doing is escaping. Is there someone that is currently offering you a contract? Some binding invitation seems to be on offer. Do you deal with shipping maybe? There are a lot of water cards - is this an artistic job that is now constrained by the practicalities of having to work at it?

I think that even if you do continue down this route you will soon find that you will have to quit and maybe go into the family business? maybe with one partner? sibling or cousin perhaps.

Consequences of taking a different route

tower (id) - judgement - knight of pentacles (hanged man)
page of wands (justice)

queen of pentacles (7 of cups) - queen of wands (Ace of wands)

If you try to take another route you may find it hard to see what other kind of job you can do. You will be shortlisted for a job that you apply for and you will be looking forward to a decision from them - it may take a while. While waiting for this other decision you may find it hard to make the big change that you need. This could be a decision about an office or a lease of some sort.

You'll spend a lot of time at home trying to find exactly what you want and there may a be another woman that helps you set up your own business? Otherwise it may be you that stays at home while wishing you could be out there being active. I'm not sure though. If you do decide to change route I think you will find that you spend a lot of time at home waiting for opportunities to happen to you so watch out for that.


4 of wands - participation

You have an opportunity to participate with others now to make your contribution to creating something greater and more beautiful than each of you could manage alone. Your participation will not only nourish you, but will also contribute something precious to the whole.

technorati profilse

Technorati Profile

Reading for Una

queen of swords (8 of pents) - hierophant - hanged man
6 of pentacles

There's something very illogical about the way you are going about this conception. You keep doing something that you know doesn't work but you can't see any other way of acting. There may be an imbalance here between what you want and your reality. There's a real lack of passion and energy in this situation and you need to get back some of the excitement at the idea of conceiving. Your focus is only on you whereas it should be on two people. There is great potential here for everything to turn out just fine and for you to conceive but you have to change the way you see the situation.

You need to get the passion back and change the way you are trying to conceive. At the moment it's all one sided.

Card of advice - Aloneness
When there is no 'significant other' in our lives we can either be lonely, or enjoy the freedom that solitude brings. When we find no support among others for our deeply felt truths, we can either feel isolated and bitter, or celebrate the fact that our vision is strong enough even to survive the powerful human need for the approval of family, friends or colleagues. If you are facing such a situation now, be aware of how you are choosing to view your 'aloneness' and take responsibility for the choice you have made.

One of Gautam Buddha's most significant contributions to the spiritual life of humankind was to insist to his disciples, "Be a light unto yourself." Ultimately, each of us must develop within ourselves the capacity to make our way through the darkness without any companions, maps or guide.