Saturday, November 06, 2010

Day cards for 6 November and Daily Spread

Normal Influences
Tower - 6 of Wands - Ace of Pentacles
       Ace of Swords

Best Potential
Fool - High Priestess - 2 of Cups
         Page of Cups (10 of Wands)

Morning - Starting afresh, planting some seeds (literally, my housemate has gone gardening)
Best - Enjoying each others company and then happy to be apart again
Midday - Success in a venture in which you've put some energy
Best - Keeping quiet while something is revealed, staying away.
Afternoon - Unexpectedly having to leave the house
Best - An excitement and enthusiasm for doing something new
Evening - A new idea arises from difficulties
Best - One more invitation would really be exhausting

If you would like your own personalised daily reading then please let me know. The cost is £5 a month.