Sunday, September 12, 2010

Resource: #6 James Ricklef's Tarot Blog

James Ricklef's Tarot Blog has many useful resources for tarot enthusiasts at all levels. The man himself is a tarot reader, lecturer, and writer. He has been a frequent workshop presenter at the annual Los Angeles Tarot Symposium as well as a guest presenter at the New York Tarot Reader’s Studio and the San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium. He is the author of the award-winning book Tarot Tells the Tale: Explore Three Card Readings Through Familiar Stories and the follow-up book, Tarot: Get the Whole Story: Use, Create & Interpret Tarot Spreads. He is also the creator of the Tarot of the Masters deck.

If you have a Tarot subject you would like him to discuss then you can get in touch with him. His latest post answers a question sent in by a reader: What do I need to know about myself to restore passion in my life?

There is a monthly tarot article and the September 2010 one is The Empress and the Emperor –Wholeness through a marriage of opposites. A little excerpt provides an example of the kind of information available:

Duality is a recurrent theme throughout the Tarot’s Major Arcana cards, which emphasizes the fact that understanding how to balance and integrate the complementary energies symbolized by the cards is an essential part of our spiritual journey. For example, the Empress and the Emperor form a dualistic pair, representing (among other things) the archetypal mother and the archetypal father.

There are also links to Tarot Reviews. See his blog or contact him via his Twitter feed at @AskKnightHawk for more information.

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