Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Past influences - ace of wands

Just recently you were so excited and motivated that now you are finding it hard to let go. There seemed to be an attraction there. You could have sworn that there was something. You were excited about the work. Excited about the prospect of future romance and now there's this pit of never ending drudgery that is never complete. You have a complete lack of focus, motivation and incentives. You're starting to hate travelling and doing anything. You don't want to talk to anyone or do any work. You feel betrayed and hurt and can only keep doing what you've been doing but you know that your method has not produced any success yet so why should it do so now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Joanna,
I would be interested in a free tarot reading interpretation if possible. I'm learning tarot myself, but I just started. When I do my reading (celtic cross) I need to use my book to make sense of what the cards are trying to tell me. I was wandering if you could clarify for me what this reading mean, so that I can compare it with my own interpretation. I asked the following question: " What are my chances of getting pregnant next year?" I got this following reading:
card 1: Wands page
card 2: Pentacles page
card 3: Judgement
card 4: Empress
card 5: Swords 5
Card 6: Cups 9
Card 7: Pentacles 5
Card 8: Pentacles 7
Card 9: Pentacles knight
Card 10: Wands knight

I'm a bit puzzled by the high occurence of the court cards, I just assumed that they represent my partner and myself.

Thank you for your help.
Best Wishes,